Question Number 56777 by ajfour last updated on 23/Mar/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Mar/19

Answered by mr W last updated on 23/Mar/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Mar/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Mar/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Mar/19
![Torque about right end of rod, TLsin β=((MgLcos θ)/2) ⇒ T=((Mgcos θ)/(2sin β)) ...(i) Tcos (β−θ)=Tcos (α+θ) ⇒ β−θ = α+θ ....(iia) ⇒ θ=((α+β)/2) .....(iib) xcos (β−θ)+(l−x)cos (α+θ)=Lcos θ ....(iii) (l−x)sin (α+θ)=xsin (β−θ)+Lsin θ .....(iv) From Torque about pulley point, (((L/2)cos θ−(l−x)cos (α+θ))/((l−x)cos (α+θ))) =(m/M) ⇒ ((Lcos θ)/(2(l−x)cos (α+θ)))=((m+M)/M) ...(v) from (iii), (iv) using (iia) lcos (α+θ)=Lcos θ ...(1) (l−2x)sin (α+θ)=Lsin θ ...(2) Now (v) implies (l/(2(l−x)))=((m+M)/M) ⇒ Ml = 2(m+M)(l−x) ____________________________ ⇒ x=(1+(m/(M+m)))(l/2) ____________________________ from (1) &(2) (((Lcos θ)/l))^2 +(((Lsin θ)/(l−2x)))^2 = 1 ⇒ ((cos^2 θ)/l^2 )+(((M+m)^2 sin^2 θ)/(m^2 l^2 )) = (1/L^2 ) ⇒ cos^2 θ[(((M+m)/m))^2 −1]=(((M+m)/m))^2 −(l^2 /L^2 ) ⇒ cos^2 θ = (((((M+m)/m))^2 −((l/L))^2 )/((((M+m)/M))^2 −1)) sin β =sin (β−θ+θ) =sin (α+θ+θ) =(((Lsin θ)/(l−2x)))cos θ+(((Lcos θ)/l))sin θ =(Lsin θcos θ)((1/l)−((M+m)/(ml))) =−((MLsin θcos θ)/(ml)) And as T=((Mgcos θ)/(2sin β)) ...(i) ⇒ T = −((mgl)/(2Lsin θ)) (θ<0) ____________________________ T= ((mgl)/(2L(√(1−(((((M+m)/m))^2 −((l/L))^2 )/((((M+m)/m))^2 −1)))))) & x=(1+(m/(M+m)))(l/2) ____________________________.](