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Question Number 63103 by aseer imad last updated on 29/Jun/19
Commented by aseer imad last updated on 29/Jun/19
how to do this...Tia.
Commented by Hope last updated on 29/Jun/19
Answered by Hope last updated on 29/Jun/19
F×50×10^(−2) =90×9.8×40×10^(−2)   F=((90×9.8×40×10^(−2) )/(50×10^(−2) ))=705.6
$${F}×\mathrm{50}×\mathrm{10}^{−\mathrm{2}} =\mathrm{90}×\mathrm{9}.\mathrm{8}×\mathrm{40}×\mathrm{10}^{−\mathrm{2}} \\ $$$${F}=\frac{\mathrm{90}×\mathrm{9}.\mathrm{8}×\mathrm{40}×\mathrm{10}^{−\mathrm{2}} }{\mathrm{50}×\mathrm{10}^{−\mathrm{2}} }=\mathrm{705}.\mathrm{6} \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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