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Question Number 144829 by mathlove last updated on 29/Jun/21
sin^3 x+cos^3 x=1−(1/2)sin^2 x  x=?
Answered by ajfour last updated on 29/Jun/21
(1−s^2 )^3 =(1−(s^2 /2)−s^3 )^2   1−s^6 +3s^4 −3s^2       =1+(s^4 /4)+s^6 −s^2 +s^5 −2s^3   ⇒ s^6 +(s^5 /2)−((11s^4 )/8)−s^3 +s^2 =0  ⇒  s=0  or    s^4 +(s^3 /2)−((11s^2 )/8)−s+1=0  there are two real positive  roots to this quartic; say  s=α,β  now  sin x=0,α,β  x=nπ+(−1)^n θ  where  θ=0,α,β
Answered by liberty last updated on 29/Jun/21
sin^3 x+cos^3 x=sin^2 x+cos^2 x−(1/2)sin^2 x  sin^3 x+cos^3 x=(1/2)sin^2 x+cos^2 x  cos^3 x−cos^2 x=(1/2)sin^2 x−sin^3 x  cos^2 x(cos x−1)=sin^2 x((1/2)−sin x)  cos^2 x(−2sin^2 (1/2)x)=sin^2 x((1/2)−2sin (1/2)xcos (1/2)x)  let tan (x/2)=t⇒tan x=((2t)/(1−t^2 ))  ⇒−2((t^2 /(1+t^2 )))=(((2t)/(1−t^2 )))((1/2)−((2t)/(1+t^2 )))  ⇒((−2t^2 )/(1+t^2 ))= (((2t)/(1−t^2 )))(((1+t^2 −4t)/(2(1+t^2 ))))  ⇒(((2t)/(1+t^2 )))[((t^2 −4t+1)/(2−2t^2 )) +t ]=0  ⇒(((2t)/(1+t^2 )))[((t^2 −4t+1+2t−2t^3 )/(2−2t^2 ))]=0  ⇒(((2t)/(1+t^2 )))(((2t^3 −t^2 +2t−1)/(2−2t^2 )))=0  we get t=0  ⇒tan (x/2) = 0 →(x/2) = 0+kπ  ⇒x= 2kπ ; k∈Z    for 2t^3 −t^2 +2t−1=0  test t=(1/2)→(1/4)−(1/4)+1−1=0 (valid)  ⇒factorise (2t−1)(t^2 +1)=0  ⇒tan (x/2)=(1/2) ; (x/2)= arctan ((1/2))+kπ  ⇒x=2arctan ((1/2))+2kπ

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