Question Number 98713 by M±th+et+s last updated on 15/Jun/20

Commented by M±th+et+s last updated on 15/Jun/20

Answered by smridha last updated on 15/Jun/20
![okk then, I have another way Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((2n+1)!))∫x^(2n) dx =Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((2n+1)!)).(x^(2n+1) /((2n+1))) +C but it will be more beautiful if you integrate this within−∞ to+∞. like (1/𝛑)∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) ((sinx)/x)dx=1 ,then it behave likes Dirac delta f^n ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) 𝛅(x)dx=1[𝛅_n (x)=((sin(nx))/(𝛑x))] this beautiful result is very useful in Quantum Mechanics.](
Commented by M±th+et+s last updated on 15/Jun/20

Answered by M±th+et+s last updated on 16/Jun/20
![I=∫(1/x)Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n x^(2n+1) )/((2n+1)!))dx=∫Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n x^(2n+γ−γ) )/((2n+1)!))dx I=∫Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n x^(2n) )/((2n+1)!))dx=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n x^(2n+1) )/((2n+1)(2n+1)!))+c I=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n x^(2n+1) )/((2n+1)(2n+1)(2n)!))+c=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n x^(2n+1) )/((2n+1)^2 (2n)!)) (2n)!=2^n .n!(2n−1)!! I=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ ((1/(2n+1)))^2 (((−1)^n ∗(x)∗(x^(2n) ))/(2^n n!(2n−1)!!))+c=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ ((1/(2n+1)))^2 (((−1)^n x^(2n) )/(2^n n!(2n−1)!!))+c I=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ ((((2n)!)/((2n)!(2n+1))))^2 (((−1)^n x^(2n) )/(2^n n!∗(2^n /2^n )(2n−1)!!))+c I=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ (((2^n μ!(2n−1)!!)/(2^n μ!(2n+1)(2n−1)!!)))^2 (((−1)^n x^(2n) )/(2^n n!∗(2^n /2^n )(2n−1)!!))+c (2n+1)(2n−1)!!=(2n+1)!! I=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ [(((((2n−1)!!)/2^n ) )/(((2n+1)!!)/2^n ))]^2 (((−1)^n x^(2n) )/(4^n n!∗(((2n−1)!!)/2^n )))+c I=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ [((((1/2)) _n )/(((3/2)) _n ))]^2 (1/(((1/2))^n )) (((((−x^2 )/4))^n )/(n!))+c=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ ((((1/2)) _n ((1/2)) _n )/(((3/2)) _n ((3/2)) _n )) (1/(((1/2)) _n )) (((((−x^2 )/4))^n )/(n!))+c I=xΣ_(n=0) ^∞ ((((1/2)) _n )/(((3/2)) _n ((3/2)) _n )) (((((−x^2 )/4))^n )/(n!))+c=x 1F2[(1/2),(3/2);(3/2);((−x^2 )/4)]+c finaly ∫((sin(x))/x)dx=x 1F2[(1/2),(3/2);(3/2);((−x^2 )/4)]+c](
Commented by M±th+et+s last updated on 16/Jun/20

Commented by smridha last updated on 16/Jun/20

Commented by M±th+et+s last updated on 16/Jun/20

Commented by smridha last updated on 16/Jun/20