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Question Number 92117 by last updated on 04/May/20
solve for x and y if:  (√x)+y=11    and    x+(√y)=7
$$\mathrm{solve}\:\mathrm{for}\:\mathrm{x}\:\mathrm{and}\:\mathrm{y}\:\mathrm{if}: \\ $$$$\sqrt{\mathrm{x}}+\mathrm{y}=\mathrm{11}\:\:\:\:\mathrm{and}\:\:\:\:\mathrm{x}+\sqrt{\mathrm{y}}=\mathrm{7} \\ $$
Commented by john santu last updated on 05/May/20
Commented by niroj last updated on 05/May/20
Commented by last updated on 05/May/20
wow! you are amazing sir!
$$\mathrm{wow}!\:\mathrm{you}\:\mathrm{are}\:\mathrm{amazing}\:\mathrm{sir}! \\ $$

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