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Question Number 14071 by tawa tawa last updated on 27/May/17
Solve the Partial fraction   ((3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13)/((x − 1)^2 (x^2  + 2x − 2)^2 ))
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 27/May/17
I have done by calculator:  ((32)/((x − 1)^2 )) − ((230)/(x − 1)) + ((93x + 287)/((x^2  + 2x − 2)^2 )) +  ((230x + 661)/(x^2  + 2x − 2))
Answered by RasheedSindhi last updated on 28/May/17
Let  (A_1 /(x−1))+(A_2 /((x−1)^2 ))+((B_1 x+C_1 )/(x^2  + 2x − 2))+((B_2 x+C_2 )/((x^2  + 2x − 2)^2 ))             =((3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13)/((x − 1)^2 (x^2  + 2x − 2)^2 ))    Multiplying by (x − 1)^2 (x^2  + 2x − 2)^2   A_1 (x − 1)(x^2  + 2x − 2)^2 +A_2 (x^2  + 2x − 2)^2              +(B_1 x+C_1 )(x − 1)^2 (x^2  + 2x − 2)            +(B_2 x+C_2 )(x − 1)^2        =3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13      =(3x^2 −15x+52)(x^2 +2x−2)−125x+117..(A)  Let x=1  3(1)^4  − 9(1)^3  + 16(1)^2  + 9(1) + 13      =A_2 ((1)^2  + 2(1) − 2)^2   3−9+16+9+13=A_2 (1+2−2)^2   A_2 =32    Let x^2  + 2x − 2=0⇒x=±(√3)−1=±a      x^2 +2x−2=(x−a)(x+a)    putting in A  (B_2 (±a)+C_2 )(±a− 1)^2       =(3x^2 −15x+52)(0)−125(±a)+117  (±a)(±a−1)^2 B_2 +(±a−1)^2 C_2 =−125(±a)+117  continue.
Commented by tawa tawa last updated on 27/May/17
Am with you sir.
Answered by RasheedSindhi last updated on 28/May/17
((3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13)/((x − 1)^2 (x^2  + 2x − 2)^2 ))...(A)  x^2 +2x−2=(x+1)^2 =3         x=±(√3)−1=±a  x^2 +2x−2=(x−a)(x+a)  3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13      =(x^2 +2x−2)(3x^2 −15x+52)−125x+117     =(x−a)(x+a)(3x^2 −15x+52)−125x+117  (A)⇒((3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13)/((x − 1)^2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)^2 ))           [Here a=±(√3)−1]    ((3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13)/((x − 1)^2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)^2 ))     =(A_1 /(x−1))+(A_2 /((x−1)^2 ))+(B_1 /(x−a))+(B_2 /((x−a)^2 ))+(C_1 /(x+a))+(C_2 /((x+a)^2 ))  3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13    =A_1 (x − 1)(x−a)^2 (x+a)^2          +A_2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)^2           +B_1 (x − 1)^2 (x−a)(x+a)^2            +B_2 (x − 1)^2 (x+a)^2             +C_1 (x − 1)^2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)             +C_2 (x − 1)^2 (x−a)^2   x=1⇒  3(1)^4  − 9(1)^3  + 16(1)^2  + 9(1) + 13       =A_2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)^2   3−9+16+9+13=A_2 [(x−a)(x+a)]^2   32=A_2 (x^2 +2x−2)^2   32=A_2 ((1)^2 +2(1)−2)^2   A_2 =32  x=a⇒  3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13            =B_2 (x − 1)^2 (x+a)^2    (x−a)(x+a)(3x^2 −15x+52)−125x+117            =B_2 (x − 1)^2 (x+a)^2    (0)(a+a)(3a^2 −15a+52)−125a+117            =B_2 (a− 1)^2 (a+a)^2    −125a+117=B_2 (4a^2 )(a−1)^2              B_2 =((−125a+117)/(4a^2 (a−1)^2 ))=b  x=−a⇒    C_2 (−a − 1)^2 (−a−a)^2      =(x−a)(−a+a)(3x^2 −15x+52)−125x+117  C_2 (a+1)^2 (4a^2 )=−125a+117  C_2 =((−125a+117)/(4a^2 (a+1)^2 ))=c    3x^4  − 9x^3  + 16x^2  + 9x + 13    =A_1 (x − 1)(x−a)^2 (x+a)^2          +A_2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)^2           +B_1 (x − 1)^2 (x−a)(x+a)^2            +B_2 (x − 1)^2 (x+a)^2             +C_1 (x − 1)^2 (x−a)^2 (x+a)             +C_2 (x − 1)^2 (x−a)^2           ⊂⊚∩⊤∣∩∪∈
Commented by tawa tawa last updated on 28/May/17
God bless you sir. Am with you.

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