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Question Number 175493 by ajfour last updated on 31/Aug/22
tan^(−1) (asin θ)=sin^(−1) b−θ  find θ.
$$\mathrm{tan}^{−\mathrm{1}} \left({a}\mathrm{sin}\:\theta\right)=\mathrm{sin}^{−\mathrm{1}} {b}−\theta \\ $$$${find}\:\theta. \\ $$
Commented by Frix last updated on 01/Sep/22
I tried but it leads to a 4th degree polynome  which I cannot solve
$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{tried}\:\mathrm{but}\:\mathrm{it}\:\mathrm{leads}\:\mathrm{to}\:\mathrm{a}\:\mathrm{4th}\:\mathrm{degree}\:\mathrm{polynome} \\ $$$$\mathrm{which}\:\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{cannot}\:\mathrm{solve} \\ $$
Answered by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 05/Sep/22
θ=b−(a^2 /(1+a^2 ))???
$$\theta={b}−\frac{{a}^{\mathrm{2}} }{\mathrm{1}+{a}^{\mathrm{2}} }??? \\ $$

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