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Question Number 190569 by cortano12 last updated on 06/Apr/23
 The number of 4−digit    numbers that contain the   number 6 and are divisible    by 3 is ___
$$\:\mathrm{The}\:\mathrm{number}\:\mathrm{of}\:\mathrm{4}−\mathrm{digit}\: \\ $$$$\:\mathrm{numbers}\:\mathrm{that}\:\mathrm{contain}\:\mathrm{the} \\ $$$$\:\mathrm{number}\:\mathrm{6}\:\mathrm{and}\:\mathrm{are}\:\mathrm{divisible}\: \\ $$$$\:\mathrm{by}\:\mathrm{3}\:\mathrm{is}\:\_\_\_ \\ $$
Answered by talminator2856792 last updated on 06/Apr/23
  4 × 300 − 6 × 30 + 3 × 3 − 1    = 1028
$$\:\:\mathrm{4}\:×\:\mathrm{300}\:−\:\mathrm{6}\:×\:\mathrm{30}\:+\:\mathrm{3}\:×\:\mathrm{3}\:−\:\mathrm{1} \\ $$$$\:\:=\:\mathrm{1028} \\ $$

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