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Question Number 155243 by aliyn last updated on 27/Sep/21
the value of the integral ∫_(−1) ^( 1)  x^2  p_2 (x) dx   is ?
$$\boldsymbol{{the}}\:\boldsymbol{{value}}\:\boldsymbol{{of}}\:\boldsymbol{{the}}\:\boldsymbol{{integral}}\:\int_{−\mathrm{1}} ^{\:\mathrm{1}} \:\boldsymbol{{x}}^{\mathrm{2}} \:\boldsymbol{{p}}_{\mathrm{2}} \left(\boldsymbol{{x}}\right)\:\boldsymbol{{dx}}\:\:\:\boldsymbol{{is}}\:?\: \\ $$
Commented by aliyn last updated on 28/Sep/21
$$???\: \\ $$
Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 28/Sep/21
what is p₂ supposed to be?

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