Question Number 180890 by Tawa11 last updated on 18/Nov/22

We have 7 sets with 2 subsets each (yes and no are the 2 subsets of each of the 7 sets) how many possible combinations are there if one of the subset is picked for each of the 7 sets.
Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Nov/22

$${do}\:{you}\:{think}\:{it}'{s}\:{not}\:\mathrm{2}^{\mathrm{7}} ? \\ $$
Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 19/Nov/22

$$\mathrm{Thanks}\:\mathrm{sir},\:\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{think}\:\mathrm{of}\:\mathrm{subset}\:\mathrm{too}.\:\mathrm{That}\:\mathrm{is},\:\:\mathrm{2}^{\mathrm{n}} . \\ $$$$\mathrm{But}\:\mathrm{not}\:\mathrm{sure}.\:\mathrm{God}\:\mathrm{bless}\:\mathrm{you}\:\mathrm{sir}. \\ $$