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Question Number 83739 by jagoll last updated on 05/Mar/20
what is minimum value of   f(x) = (sin x+ csc x )^2 +sec x + cos x
$$\mathrm{what}\:\mathrm{is}\:\mathrm{minimum}\:\mathrm{value}\:\mathrm{of}\: \\ $$$$\mathrm{f}\left(\mathrm{x}\right)\:=\:\left(\mathrm{sin}\:\mathrm{x}+\:\mathrm{csc}\:\mathrm{x}\:\right)^{\mathrm{2}} +\mathrm{sec}\:\mathrm{x}\:+\:\mathrm{cos}\:\mathrm{x} \\ $$
Commented by MJS last updated on 05/Mar/20
−∞  local minima at  x≈.924702 ⇒ f(x)≈6.46912  x≈5.35848 ⇒ f(x)≈6.46912  for 0≤x<2π
$$−\infty \\ $$$$\mathrm{local}\:\mathrm{minima}\:\mathrm{at} \\ $$$${x}\approx.\mathrm{924702}\:\Rightarrow\:{f}\left({x}\right)\approx\mathrm{6}.\mathrm{46912} \\ $$$${x}\approx\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{35848}\:\Rightarrow\:{f}\left({x}\right)\approx\mathrm{6}.\mathrm{46912} \\ $$$$\mathrm{for}\:\mathrm{0}\leqslant{x}<\mathrm{2}\pi \\ $$
Commented by jagoll last updated on 05/Mar/20
the answer 9 sir
$$\mathrm{the}\:\mathrm{answer}\:\mathrm{9}\:\mathrm{sir} \\ $$
Commented by MJS last updated on 05/Mar/20
$$\mathrm{how}? \\ $$

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