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Question Number 181172 by sciencestudent last updated on 24/Nov/22
write snell′s law that light move a   concentrative medium to nonconcentrative  medium and show with a shape.
$${write}\:{snell}'{s}\:{law}\:{that}\:{light}\:{move}\:{a}\: \\ $$$${concentrative}\:{medium}\:{to}\:{nonconcentrative} \\ $$$${medium}\:{and}\:{show}\:{with}\:{a}\:{shape}. \\ $$
Commented by sciencestudent last updated on 23/Nov/22
why don′t you answer me?
$${why}\:{don}'{t}\:{you}\:{answer}\:{me}? \\ $$
Commented by sciencestudent last updated on 23/Nov/22
Please no one ans without mr W!
$${Please}\:{no}\:{one}\:{ans}\:{without}\:{mr}\:{W}! \\ $$

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