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Question Number 109337 by ZiYangLee last updated on 22/Aug/20
x=cosθ, where ((3π)/2)<θ<2π, and that 2cosθ−sinθ=2,  show that (√(1−x^2 ))=2(1−x).  Hence or otherwise, find x and deduce that tan2θ=((24)/7)
Answered by Aziztisffola last updated on 22/Aug/20
(√(1−x^2 ))=(√(1−cos^2 θ))=−sinθ   =2−2cosθ=2(1−cosθ)=2(1−x)   (√(1−x^2 ))=2(1−x) ⇔1−x^2 =4(x^2 −2x+1)   5x^2 −8x+3=0   △=4 ⇒x_1 =1 ∧ x_2 =(3/5)  θ≠2π ⇒x≠1 ⇒x=(3/5)   tan2θ=((2tan(θ))/(1−tan^2 (θ)))   tanθ=((−(4/5))/(3/5))=−(4/3)   tan2θ=((2×((−4)/3))/(1−(((−4)/3))^2 ))=(((−8)/3)/(1−((16)/9)))   =((8×3)/7)=((24)/7)
Commented by ZiYangLee last updated on 23/Aug/20
Answered by Don08q last updated on 22/Aug/20
 x = cosθ   x^2  = cos^2 θ   1 − x^2  = sin^2 θ   ± (√(1 − x^2 )) = sinθ   But for the interval, ((3π)/2)<θ<2π sine   has a negative value.  ⇒  − (√(1 − x^2 )) = sinθ   so   (√(1 − x^2 )) = −sinθ ............ (1)       But, 2cosθ − sinθ = 2  ⇒      2 − 2x = −sinθ             2(1 − x) = −sinθ ........... (2)   from (1) and (2),           (√(1 − x^2 )) = 2(1 − x)      qed     It follows that        1 − x^2  = 4(1 − 2x + x^2 )        5x^2  − 8x + 3 = 0        x = 1 or x = (3/5)    x cannot be 1, since θ < 2π   ∴  x = (3/5)    tanθ = ((sin θ)/(cos θ))    tanθ = ((−2(1 − x))/x)    tanθ = ((2(x − 1))/x)    tanθ = ((2((3/5) − 1))/(3/5))    tanθ = − (4/3)  But tan 2θ = ((2tan θ)/(1 − tan^2 θ))           tan 2θ = ((2(−(4/3)))/(1 − (−(4/3))^2 ))   ∴    tan 2θ =  ((24)/7)            qed

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