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Question Number 65115 by hovea cw last updated on 25/Jul/19
x^x =64  find x
Answered by mr W last updated on 25/Jul/19
x^x =64  x=64^(1/x)   x=e^((ln 64)/x)   1=(1/x)e^((ln 64)/x)   ln 64=(((ln 64)/x))e^((ln 64)/x)   ⇒((ln 64)/x)=W(ln 64)  ⇒x=((ln 64)/(W(ln 64)))=((ln 64)/(1.223517))=3.399122
Commented by hovea cw last updated on 25/Jul/19
sir I don't know a lot of the Lambert omega function so am kinda stuck at the last few lines plz explain how the function comes about sir ����
Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jul/19
Lambert W function is the inverse  function from y=xe^x . i.e.  if y=xe^x  then x=W(y).  in our example i have formed the  original equation into  (((ln 64)/x))e^((((ln 64)/x))) =ln 64  that means  ((ln 64)/x)=W(ln 64)  ⇒x=((ln 64)/(W(ln 64)))
Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jul/19
if you can reform an equation into  the form ♠e^♠ =♣, then you can apply  Lambert W function as  ♠=W(♣)  where ♠ is an expression containng x  and ♣ is a constant.
Commented by hovea cw last updated on 25/Jul/19
Thank u sir and how do we approximate the value of w or is it a constant number (*-*)
Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jul/19
in internet you may find online  calculator for W function values.  but since W(ln 64) is the root of  xe^x =ln 64  you may get the root via graphic  method. i use e.g. an app named  Grapher.

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