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Question Number 83149 by 09658867628 last updated on 28/Feb/20
y=e^(tant )
$${y}={e}^{\mathrm{tan}{t}\:} \\ $$
Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 28/Feb/20
what is the QUESTION ?
$${what}\:{is}\:{the}\:{QUESTION}\:? \\ $$
Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 28/Feb/20
あなたの質問は何ですか ?
Commented by peter frank last updated on 28/Feb/20
apply ln both sides  lny=tan x  ln y=((sin x)/(cos x))  u=cos x  y^′ =y.lnu  y^′ =ylncos x
$${apply}\:{ln}\:{both}\:{sides} \\ $$$${lny}=\mathrm{tan}\:{x} \\ $$$$\mathrm{ln}\:{y}=\frac{\mathrm{sin}\:{x}}{\mathrm{cos}\:{x}} \\ $$$${u}=\mathrm{cos}\:{x} \\ $$$${y}^{'} ={y}.{lnu} \\ $$$${y}^{'} ={yln}\mathrm{cos}\:{x} \\ $$

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