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Question Number 201209 by sonukgindia last updated on 02/Dec/23
Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Dec/23
should it converge ?
Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Dec/23
your question is how much money  he has taken from the ATM or how   many friends he has invited for   lunch or what else?
$${your}\:{question}\:{is}\:{how}\:{much}\:{money} \\ $$$${he}\:{has}\:{taken}\:{from}\:{the}\:{ATM}\:{or}\:{how}\: \\ $$$${many}\:{friends}\:{he}\:{has}\:{invited}\:{for}\: \\ $$$${lunch}\:{or}\:{what}\:{else}? \\ $$
Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Dec/23
we r seldom into stealing atm pins..
$${we}\:{r}\:{seldom}\:{into}\:{stealing}\:{atm}\:{pins}.. \\ $$
Commented by nikif99 last updated on 02/Dec/23
Is an integer? atm′s have not  decimal point.
$${Is}\:{an}\:{integer}?\:{atm}'{s}\:{have}\:{not} \\ $$$${decimal}\:{point}. \\ $$

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