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Question Number 201502 by necx122 last updated on 07/Dec/23
A generation is about one-third of a  lifetime.Approximately about how  many generations have passed since  the year 0AD?
$${A}\:{generation}\:{is}\:{about}\:{one}-{third}\:{of}\:{a} \\ $$$${lifetime}.{Approximately}\:{about}\:{how} \\ $$$${many}\:{generations}\:{have}\:{passed}\:{since} \\ $$$${the}\:{year}\:\mathrm{0}{AD}? \\ $$
Commented by AST last updated on 07/Dec/23
How many years is a “lifetime”?
$${How}\:{many}\:{years}\:{is}\:{a}\:“{lifetime}''? \\ $$
Commented by JDamian last updated on 08/Dec/23
you should define the “Lifetime” function  L(y) because it is not linear.
$${you}\:{should}\:{define}\:{the}\:“\mathrm{Lifetime}''\:{function} \\ $$$${L}\left({y}\right)\:{because}\:{it}\:{is}\:{not}\:{linear}. \\ $$
Commented by necx122 last updated on 08/Dec/23
Thank You. The question didn't say anything about it that's why I didn't write it also.

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