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Question Number 204397 by Abdullahrussell last updated on 16/Feb/24
Answered by MM42 last updated on 16/Feb/24
(y−1)(y+1)(y^2 +1)=x(x+1)(x^2 +1)  ⇒y=x⇒(x^2 +1)(x+1)=0  ⇒x=y=−1 ✓
Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 16/Feb/24
(0,1) & (0,−1) also satisfy.
Answered by AST last updated on 16/Feb/24
x^4 <x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1=(x^2 +1)(x^2 +x)  <x^4 +4x^3 +6x^2 +4x+1=(x+1)^4   when x>0. If x<−1, then x^4 >x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1  >(x+1)^4   when 0<x<−1,then x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1>x^4 >(x+1)^4   So,x is never an integer then  This implies x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1  is always in-between two consecutive perfect  fourth powers x^4  and (x+1)^4  when x>0 or x<−1,   so it can′t be a fourth power unless it is equal to   one of them. [Or one can conclude from here  that there are only two integers left {−1,0}   for x.].   x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1=x^4 ⇒x=−1⇒y^4 =1⇒y=+_− 1  x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +x+1=(x+1)^4 ⇒x=0⇒y=+_− 1  ⇒(x,y)=(−1,1),(−1,−1),(0,1),(0,−1).
Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 16/Feb/24
y^4 −1=x(x^3 +x^2 +x+1)  (y−1)(y+1)(y^2 +1)=x(x+1))(x^2 +1)  (±1)(y−1)(y+1)(y^2 +1)=(±1)x(x+1)(x^2 +1)  •y=1  (±1)(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +1)=0  x(x^3 +x^2 +x+1)=0  x=0  (x,y)=(0,1)  •y=−1  (±1)(x^4 +x^3 +x^2 +1)=0  x(x^3 +x^2 +x+1)=0  x=0  (x,y)=(0,−1)  •x=1  (y−1)(y+1)(y^2 +1)=(1+1)(1^2 +1)  y^4 −1=4 (No integer y)  •x=−1  −(y^4 −1)=0  y=±1  (x,y)=(−1,−1),(−1,1)  •x=y−1  (y+1)(y^2 +1)=(x+1)(x^2 +1)  y^3 +y^2 +y+1=y(y^2 −2y+2)  y^3 +y^2 +y+1=y^3 −2y^2 +2y  3y^2 −y+1=0  No integer roots.  •x=y+1  (y−1)(y^2 +1)=(x+1)(x^2 +1)  (y−1)(y^2 +1)=(y+1+1)(y^2 +2y+1+1)  (y−1)(y^2 +1)=(y+2)(y^2 +2y+2)  y^3 −y^2 +y−1=y^3 +2y^2 +2y+2y^2 +4y+4  y^3 −y^2 +y−1=y^3 +4y^2 +6y+4  5y^2 +5y+5=0  No integer roots.  •x=y^2 +1  (y−1)(y+1)=(x+1)(x^2 +1)  (y−1)(y+1)=(y^2 +1+1)((y^2 +1)^2 +1)  y^2 −1=(y^2 +2)(y^4 +2y^2 +2)  y^2 −1=y^6 +2y^4 +2y^2 +2y^4 +4y^2 +4  y^6 +4y^4 +5y^2 +5=0  No integer roots.

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