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Question Number 204417 by Frix last updated on 16/Feb/24
Solve for z∈C                                e^z =ln z
Answered by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/24
say z=re^(θi) =r(cos θ+i sin θ)  with r, θ ∈R and r≥0.  e^(r(cos θ+i sin θ)) =ln r+θi  e^(rcos θ) e^((r sin θ)i) =ln r+θi  e^(rcos θ) [cos (r sin θ)+i sin (r sin θ)]=ln r+θi   { ((e^(r cos θ) cos (r sin θ)=ln r)),((e^(r cos θ) sin (r sin θ)=θ)) :}  one of infinite solutions is:  θ≈±1.33724, r≈1.37456
Commented by Frix last updated on 17/Feb/24
I think there are only 2 solutions.  The problems are very similar:  x^n =c versus (x)^(1/n) =c  e^x =a+bi versus ln x =a+bi
Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/24
Commented by Frix last updated on 18/Feb/24
Wolframalpha gives the following solutions:  z=ln z ⇒ z=e^(−W(−1)) ∨z=e^(−W_(−1) (−1))        (z≈.318132±1.33724i)  2 solutions    z=e^z  ⇒ z=−W_n (−1); n∈Z  infinitely many solutions    e^z =ln z ⇒ z≈.318132±1.33724i  2 solutions
Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Feb/24
each of the intersection points from  the green curves and the red curves  represents a solution.  e.g.  z=2.4206e^(±6.9223i)
Answered by Frix last updated on 17/Feb/24
e^a =b ⇔ a=ln b  Let a=b=z  e^z =z ⇔ z=ln z ⇔ e^z =ln z  ⇒ We can solve  e^z =z and test our solutions    e^z =z  z=a+bi  e^a (cos b +i sin b)=a+bi  sin b =be^(−a)   cos b =ae^(−a)   ⇒ tan b =(b/a) ⇔ a=(b/(tan b))  sin b =be^(−(b/(tan b)))  ⇔ b−e^(b/(tan b)) sin b =0    b_1 ≈±1.33723570143 ⇒ a_1 ≈.318131505205  z_1 ≈.318131505205±1.33723570143i  z_1 ≈1.37455701074e^(±1.33723570143i)   Test  e^z_1  =z_1  true  ln z_1 =z_1  true    b_2 ≈±7.58863117847 ⇒ a_2 ≈2.06227772960  z_2 ≈2.06227772960±7.58863117847i  z_2 ≈7.86386117609e^(±1.30544587129i)   Test  e^z_2  =z_2  true  ln z_2  ≈2.06227772960±1.30544587129i ≠ z_2  false

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