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Question Number 204469 by DeArtist last updated on 18/Feb/24
Given the function f(x) =  { ((2, 0< x <2)),((−2, −2 <x < 0)) :}  of period 4  (a)  sketch the graph of y = f(x) , for −6 < x < 6  (b) Find the Fourier coefficient a_0 , a_n , and b_n   (c) write down the Fourier series.   (d) hence show that  Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/(2n−1)) = (π/4)
Answered by witcher3 last updated on 19/Feb/24
a_0 =(1/4)∫_(−2) ^2 f(x)dx=(1/4)(∫_(−2) ^0 −2dx+∫_0 ^2 2dx)=0  a_n =(1/2)∫_(−2) ^2 f(x)cos(((πnx)/2))dx  =(1/2){∫_(−2) ^0 −2cos(((πnx)/2))xx+∫_0 ^2 2cos(((πnx)/2))dx}=0  b_n =(1/2){∫_(−2) ^0 −2sin(((πnx)/2))+∫_0 ^2 2sin(((πnx)/2))dx}  =(1/2)[(4/(πn))cos(((πnx)/2))]_(−2) ^0 +(1/2)[−(4/(πn))cos(((πnx)/2))]_0 ^2   =(2/(πn))[(1−(−1)^n −(−1)^n +1)= { ((0,n=2k)),((4 ;n=2k−1)) :}  f(x)=Σ_(n≥1) (8/(π(2n−1)))sin(((πx)/2)(2n−1));for x=1  2=Σ_(n≥1) (8/(π(2n−1)))sin(ππ−(π/2))=(8/π)Σ(((−1)^(n−1) )/((2n−1)))  ⇔Σ_(n≥1) (((−1)^(n−1) )/((2n−1)))=((2π)/8)=(π/4)
Commented by DeArtist last updated on 19/Feb/24
I appreciate your efforts

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