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Question Number 209055 by hardmath last updated on 30/Jun/24
Commented by hardmath last updated on 30/Jun/24
dear professor mr W
$$\mathrm{dear}\:\mathrm{professor}\:\mathrm{mr}\:\mathrm{W} \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jul/24
question is still very unclear. do you  mean “all people should be seated”?  do you mean “l chairs should be   unoccupied when the people are  seated”?  do you mean “between two members  of a family one or more unoccupied  chairs may be placed”?  do you mean “two or more unoccupied  chairs may be together”?
$${question}\:{is}\:{still}\:{very}\:{unclear}.\:{do}\:{you} \\ $$$${mean}\:“{all}\:{people}\:{should}\:{be}\:{seated}''? \\ $$$${do}\:{you}\:{mean}\:“{l}\:{chairs}\:{should}\:{be}\: \\ $$$${unoccupied}\:{when}\:{the}\:{people}\:{are} \\ $$$${seated}''? \\ $$$${do}\:{you}\:{mean}\:“{between}\:{two}\:{members} \\ $$$${of}\:{a}\:{family}\:{one}\:{or}\:{more}\:{unoccupied} \\ $$$${chairs}\:{may}\:{be}\:{placed}''? \\ $$$${do}\:{you}\:{mean}\:“{two}\:{or}\:{more}\:{unoccupied} \\ $$$${chairs}\:{may}\:{be}\:{together}''? \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 01/Jul/24
mathematics is an exact thing. if  your question is not clear, you can  not get a solution.
$${mathematics}\:{is}\:{an}\:{exact}\:{thing}.\:{if} \\ $$$${your}\:{question}\:{is}\:{not}\:{clear},\:{you}\:{can} \\ $$$${not}\:{get}\:{a}\:{solution}. \\ $$
Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jul/24
  This is the original version of the question
$$ \\ $$This is the original version of the question
Commented by hardmath last updated on 01/Jul/24
thankyou dear professor
$$\mathrm{thankyou}\:\mathrm{dear}\:\mathrm{professor} \\ $$

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