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Question Number 210912 by Tawa11 last updated on 21/Aug/24
A uniform stick AB of length L and mass M is  balanced horizontally on a knife edge 10.0cm  from A when an object of mass 400g is suspended  at A. When the knife edge is moved 5cm further, the  object has to be moved to a point 9.00cm from A for  the stick to balance. Represent the balance system  with a suitable diagram, determine the mass and  Length of the stick
A uniform stick AB of length L and mass M is
balanced horizontally on a knife edge 10.0cm
from A when an object of mass 400g is suspended
at A. When the knife edge is moved 5cm further, the
object has to be moved to a point 9.00cm from A for
the stick to balance. Represent the balance system
with a suitable diagram, determine the mass and
Length of the stick

Answered by Tawa11 last updated on 21/Aug/24
Answered by mr W last updated on 21/Aug/24
Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Aug/24
400×10=M×((L/2)−10)    ...(i)  400×(15−9)=M×((L/2)−15)   ...(ii)  (i)/(ii):  ((10)/6)=(((L/2)−10)/((L/2)−15))  ⇒L=45 cm  400×10=M×(((45)/2)−10)  ⇒M=320 g
$$\mathrm{400}×\mathrm{10}={M}×\left(\frac{{L}}{\mathrm{2}}−\mathrm{10}\right)\:\:\:\:…\left({i}\right) \\ $$$$\mathrm{400}×\left(\mathrm{15}−\mathrm{9}\right)={M}×\left(\frac{{L}}{\mathrm{2}}−\mathrm{15}\right)\:\:\:…\left({ii}\right) \\ $$$$\left({i}\right)/\left({ii}\right): \\ $$$$\frac{\mathrm{10}}{\mathrm{6}}=\frac{\frac{{L}}{\mathrm{2}}−\mathrm{10}}{\frac{{L}}{\mathrm{2}}−\mathrm{15}} \\ $$$$\Rightarrow{L}=\mathrm{45}\:{cm} \\ $$$$\mathrm{400}×\mathrm{10}={M}×\left(\frac{\mathrm{45}}{\mathrm{2}}−\mathrm{10}\right) \\ $$$$\Rightarrow{M}=\mathrm{320}\:{g} \\ $$
Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 21/Aug/24
Thanks sir. I really appreciate.  I understand very well now.
$$\mathrm{Thanks}\:\mathrm{sir}.\:\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{really}\:\mathrm{appreciate}. \\ $$$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{understand}\:\mathrm{very}\:\mathrm{well}\:\mathrm{now}. \\ $$

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