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Question Number 212462 by MrGaster last updated on 14/Oct/24
1. In a plane there are nt  poins arranged such that   nostraight line passesg  throuh more than 3 points.h  Wat is the maximume  numbr of straight lines   thatcan pass throughy  exactl 3 points2. If thee  numbr 3 in the aboveo  questin is changed to anys  poitive integer greater   than2 denoted as x whatu  wold the answer be
Commented by MrGaster last updated on 14/Oct/24
The original title is from China, and the poster said this: A question that comes to mind when I am a little bit: If n points are arranged in a plane, so that any straight line in the plane passes no more than 3 points, how many straight lines can pass through 3 points at most? If the above "3" is changed into an arbitrary positive integer x greater than 2, what is the answer?

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