Question Number 215393 by MrGaster last updated on 05/Jan/25

$$ \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\int_{\mathrm{0}} ^{\infty} \frac{{x}^{\mathrm{2}\nu} }{\left({x}^{\mathrm{2}} +\beta^{\mathrm{2}} \right)^{\mu+\mathrm{1}} }\mathrm{sin}\left({ax}\right){dx} \\ $$$$ \\ $$
Commented by JamesZhou last updated on 05/Jan/25

$${numerator}\:{must}\:{be}\:{odd}. \\ $$
Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 07/Jan/25

$$\mathrm{some}\:\mathrm{bot}\:\mathrm{flagged}\:\mathrm{me}\:\mathrm{as}\:\mathrm{inappropriate}! \\ $$
Answered by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 06/Jan/25

$$\frac{{x}^{\mathrm{2}\nu+\mathrm{1}} \left(\frac{{x}^{\mathrm{2}} }{\beta^{\mathrm{2}} }+\mathrm{1}\right)^{\mu} \left(\beta^{\mathrm{2}} +{x}^{\mathrm{2}} \right)^{−\mu} \:}{}\cancel{\underline{\underbrace{ } \cancel{ }}} \\ $$
Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 06/Jan/25
삼각사 module is the same as 삼각수학2025 module
Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 06/Jan/25
(Why did i touched the heart icon instead of More)
Continuing from the upper comment,
trgns module is the same as 삼각수학2024 module (not supported in 2025)