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Question Number 215608 by ajfour last updated on 11/Jan/25
Commented by ajfour last updated on 11/Jan/25
The charged masses released as shown.  Find their speeds when they get in line.  I wonder if this gets periodic for certain  appropriate ratios!
Commented by mahdipoor last updated on 11/Jan/25
why negative mass rising up?
Commented by ajfour last updated on 11/Jan/25
come?on + one pulls it upwards while  the negative pair repel..
Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Jan/25
Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Jan/25
say at time t the postion of M is  (0, y_1 ) and the position of m is  (±x_2 , y_2 ).  d_1 ^2 =x_2 ^2 +(y_1 −y_2 )^2   d_2 ^2 =4x_2 ^2   F_1 =((k_e Qq)/d_1 ^2 )=((k_e Qq)/(x_2 ^2 +(y_1 −y_2 )^2 ))  F_2 =((k_e q^2 )/d_2 ^2 )=((k_e q^2 )/(4x_2 ^2 ))  V=−(dy_1 /dt)     (↓)  A=(dV/dt)=−(d^2 y_1 /dt^2 )  u=(dx_2 /dt)    (→)  v=(dy_2 /dt)    (↿)  a_x =(du/dt)=(d^2 x_2 /dt^2 )  a_y =(dv/dt)=(d^2 y_2 /dt^2 )  MA=Mg+2F_1  sin θ  ⇒(d^2 y_1 /dt^2 )=−g−((2k_e Qq(y_1 −y_2 ))/(M[x_2 ^2 +(y_1 −y_2 )^2 ]^(3/2) ))  ma_y =F_1  sin θ−mg  ⇒(d^2 y_2 /dt^2 )=((k_e Qq(y_1 −y_2 ))/(m[x_2 ^2 +(y_1 −y_2 )^2 ]^(3/2) ))−g  ma_x =F_2 −F_1  cos θ  ⇒(d^2 x_2 /dt^2 )=((k_e q^2 )/(4mx_2 ^2 ))−((k_e Qqx_2 )/(m[x_2 ^2 +(y_1 −y_2 )^2 ]^(3/2) ))  at t=0:  y_1 =b  x_2 =a, y_2 =0  V=−(dy_1 /dt)=0  u=(dx_2 /dt)=0,v= (dy_2 /dt)=0  .....  =============  i don′t think the problem is solvable.
Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Jan/25
Gravitation free space or on frictionless   horizontal flat plane i meant..sir.
Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Jan/25
ok. then g=0 in the equstions.  it′s still too hard to solve, i think.
Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Jan/25
is it similar to the three−body  problem, that means there is no  general closed−form solution?
Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Jan/25
cant say, i have imagined and constructed all of it on my own. Think first we'll determine incline side as a function of angle theta..i have tried but could solve i ll try again.
Commented by ajfour last updated on 13/Jan/25
Say     y+z+ssin θ=b  (dz/dt)=(((2m)/M))v     (dy/dt)=v      (dx/dt)=u  ⇒  dy(1+((2m)/M))+d(ssin θ)=0  scos θ=x  m(((udu)/dx))=((kq^2 )/x^2 )−((kqQ)/s^2 )cos θ  ⇒ mu^2 =((kq^2 )/s_0 ^2 )∫((s_0 /(scos θ)))^2 {1−((Q/q))cos^3 θ}d(scos θ)  m(((vdv)/dy))=((kqQ)/s^2 )sin θ    ((M(2v)d(2v))/dz)=2(((kqQ)/s^2 ))sin θ   mv^2 =−((kq^2 )/s_0 ^2 )((M/(M+2m)))∫((Q/q))((s_0 /(ssin θ)))^2 sin^3 θd(ssin θ)  ....& even from energy conservation  U_0 =((kq^2 )/(4a^2 ))−((2kQq)/((a^2 +b^2 )))=((kq^2 )/s_0 ^2 )(((a^2 +b^2 )/4)−((2Q)/q))  U=((kq^2 )/s^2 )((1/(2cos θ)))^2 −((2kQq)/s^2 )+mu^2 +(m+2M)v^2   or differentiating this  ((kq^2 )/(4s^2 ))(2sec^2 θtan θ)(dθ/ds)−((2kq^2 )/s^3 )(((sec^2 θ)/4)−((2Q)/q))     +2mudu+2(m+2M)vdv=0  ....

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