Question Number 216078 by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 27/Jan/25

Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 27/Jan/25

Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 27/Jan/25
Drag the slider to 0 postion
Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 27/Jan/25
I want to disable grid in my drawing canvas but I can't do it where I set the grid width to 0. Can Tinku Tara help me to add the "Disable grid" option?
Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 28/Jan/25

Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 28/Jan/25

Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 28/Jan/25
I'm on tablet
Commented by MathematicalUser2357 last updated on 29/Jan/25
thx it worked i exited and entered the equation editor