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Question Number 217504 by Tawa11 last updated on 15/Mar/25
  A 20% load is connected to the secondary coil  of a transformer which has Nₚ to Nₛ ratio of  1/4 calculate the maximum current through  the load if the input Vᵣₘₛ  is 120V      A 34 A  B 24 A  C 480 A  D 480√2 A
A 20% load is connected to the secondary coil
of a transformer which has Nₚ to Nₛ ratio of
1/4 calculate the maximum current through
the load if the input Vᵣₘₛ is 120V

A 34 A
B 24 A
C 480 A
D 480√2 A

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 15/Mar/25
Please is the answer 480(√2) ?

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