Question Number 217772 by yamane last updated on 20/Mar/25
![Where is the error (−1)=(−1)^1 =(−1)^(2/2) =[(−1)^2 ]^(1/2) =[1]^(1/2) =(√1) =1](
Commented by Ghisom last updated on 21/Mar/25

Answered by Marzuk last updated on 20/Mar/25
![(√1) = ±1 not only 1 r_1 = 1 and r_2 = −1 you could also say [(−1)^(1/2) ]^2 = i^2 = −1 so the main error is in the understanding of application the property (a^m )^n = a^(mn)](
Commented by Ghisom last updated on 21/Mar/25

Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Mar/25

Commented by Marzuk last updated on 21/Mar/25

Commented by Ghisom last updated on 21/Mar/25