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Question Number 218003 by hardmath last updated on 25/Mar/25
1.   ∫  ((x dx)/((x + 2)∙(x + 4)))  2.   ∫  ((x + 2)/(x^3  − 2x^2 )) dx  3.   ∫  ((2x + 7)/(x^2  − 4x + 3)) dx
Commented by Ghisom last updated on 25/Mar/25
these are rather Easymath...  1.     =∫((2/(x+4))−(1/(x+2)))dx  2.     =∫((1/(x−2))−(1/x)−(1/x^2 ))dx  3.     =∫(((13)/(2(x−3)))−(9/(2(x−1))))dx
Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 25/Mar/25
gibarchakanat sir hardmath.
Commented by hardmath last updated on 25/Mar/25
  These are the simplest ones, every type of task is needed in between, I have also shared the more difficult ones, you can take a look at my page..
These are the simplest ones, every type of task is needed in between, I have also shared the more difficult ones, you can take a look at my page..
Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 25/Mar/25
 your  questions are usually    hard but nice.particularly trigonometric  with geometric  inequalities.
Commented by hardmath last updated on 25/Mar/25
thank you dear professor
Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 25/Mar/25

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