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Question Number 19349 by Tinkutara last updated on 10/Aug/17
Prove that ∣z_1  + z_2  + z_3  + .... + z_n ∣ ≤  ∣z_1 ∣ + ∣z_2 ∣ + ∣z_3 ∣ + .... + ∣z_n ∣
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 10/Aug/17
I have this proof in my book but I have  a doubt in that proof. Can anyone  explain this? Why only r_1  is multiplied  with all other r_2 , r_3 , .... r_n ? Why all  these are not multiplied with each  other?
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 10/Aug/17
Answered by mrW1 last updated on 11/Aug/17
z_1 =a_1 +b_1 i  z_2 =a_2 +b_2 i  ∣z_1 +z_2 ∣=(√((a_1 +a_2 )^2 +(b_1 +b_2 )^2 ))  ∣z_1 ∣=(√(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 ))  ∣z_2 ∣=(√(a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 ))  ∣z_1 ∣+∣z_2 ∣=(√(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 ))+(√(a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 ))  since (√((a_1 +a_2 )^2 +(b_1 +b_2 )^2 ))≤(√(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 ))+(√(a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 )) (see below)  ⇒∣z_1 +z_2 ∣≤∣z_1 ∣+∣z_2 ∣    ∣z_1  + z_2  + z_3  + .... + z_n ∣   ≤∣z_1 ∣ +∣z_2  + z_3  + .... + z_n ∣   ≤∣z_1 ∣ +∣z_2 ∣ + ∣z_3  + .... + z_n ∣   ......  ≤∣z_1 ∣ +∣z_2 ∣ + ∣z_3 ∣ + .... + ∣z_n ∣
Commented by mrW1 last updated on 11/Aug/17
Commented by mrW1 last updated on 11/Aug/17
AB=(√(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 ))  BC=(√(a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 ))  AC=(√((a_1 +a_2 )^2 +(b_1 +b_2 )^2 ))  since AC≤AB+BC  (√((a_1 +a_2 )^2 +(b_1 +b_2 )^2 ))≤(√(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 ))+(√(a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 ))
Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 12/Aug/17
Thank you very much Sir!

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