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Question Number 92347 by liki last updated on 06/May/20
Commented by liki last updated on 06/May/20 me plz
$$…\mathrm{help}\:\mathrm{me}\:\mathrm{plz} \\ $$
Commented by liki last updated on 06/May/20
help me plz only constrants i can proceed
$$\mathrm{help}\:\mathrm{me}\:\mathrm{plz}\:\mathrm{only}\:\mathrm{constrants}\:\mathrm{i}\:\mathrm{can}\:\mathrm{proceed}\: \\ $$
Commented by prakash jain last updated on 06/May/20
Can you please type this question. You can use plain text comment to paste text. it is very hard to read.
Answered by mr W last updated on 06/May/20
S=10x+25y  x+y≤20  3≤x≤12  4≤y≤15  S_(max) =10×8+25×12=380  S_(min) =10×3+25×4=130
$${S}=\mathrm{10}{x}+\mathrm{25}{y} \\ $$$${x}+{y}\leqslant\mathrm{20} \\ $$$$\mathrm{3}\leqslant{x}\leqslant\mathrm{12} \\ $$$$\mathrm{4}\leqslant{y}\leqslant\mathrm{15} \\ $$$${S}_{{max}} =\mathrm{10}×\mathrm{8}+\mathrm{25}×\mathrm{12}=\mathrm{380} \\ $$$${S}_{{min}} =\mathrm{10}×\mathrm{3}+\mathrm{25}×\mathrm{4}=\mathrm{130} \\ $$
Commented by liki last updated on 06/May/20
...Thank you so much sir
$$…\boldsymbol{\mathrm{Thank}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{you}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{so}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{much}}\:\boldsymbol{\mathrm{sir}} \\ $$

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