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Question Number 167196 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 09/Mar/22
             # Question #       If , a ∉ Z  and  the function with the  following  rule          is  differentiable at    ”  x = 1 ”  then  find  the value of         “   a  “   .                f(x) = (⌊ (x/2) ⌋ + ⌊ ((−x)/2) ⌋ )∣ x^( 2) +x −2∣ ⌊ax ⌋           ■ m.n
$$ \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:#\:{Question}\:# \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:{If}\:,\:{a}\:\notin\:\mathbb{Z}\:\:{and}\:\:{the}\:{function}\:{with}\:{the}\:\:{following}\:\:{rule}\:\: \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:{is}\:\:{differentiable}\:{at}\:\:\:\:''\:\:{x}\:=\:\mathrm{1}\:''\:\:{then}\:\:{find}\:\:{the}\:{value}\:{of} \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\:“\:\:\:{a}\:\:“\:\:\:. \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:{f}\left({x}\right)\:=\:\left(\lfloor\:\frac{{x}}{\mathrm{2}}\:\rfloor\:+\:\lfloor\:\frac{−{x}}{\mathrm{2}}\:\rfloor\:\right)\mid\:{x}^{\:\mathrm{2}} +{x}\:−\mathrm{2}\mid\:\lfloor{ax}\:\rfloor\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\blacksquare\:{m}.{n} \\ $$$$ \\ $$
Commented by MJS_new last updated on 09/Mar/22
I think ⌊a⌋=0 ⇒ 0<a<1
$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{think}\:\lfloor{a}\rfloor=\mathrm{0}\:\Rightarrow\:\mathrm{0}<{a}<\mathrm{1} \\ $$
Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 09/Mar/22
yes sir    just      0<a<1
$${yes}\:{sir}\:\:\:\:{just}\:\:\:\:\:\:\mathrm{0}<{a}<\mathrm{1} \\ $$
Commented by MJS_new last updated on 09/Mar/22
yes of course because a∉Z
$$\mathrm{yes}\:\mathrm{of}\:\mathrm{course}\:\mathrm{because}\:{a}\notin\mathbb{Z} \\ $$
Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 09/Mar/22
thanks alot ...
$${thanks}\:{alot}\:… \\ $$

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