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Question Number 37168 by NECx last updated on 10/Jun/18
A stone is thrown into a circular  pond of radius 1m.Suppose the  stone falls uniformly at random  on the area of the pond.What  will be the expected distance od  the stone from the centre of the  pond.    a)1/3 b)1/2 c)2/3 d)1/(√2)
$${A}\:{stone}\:{is}\:{thrown}\:{into}\:{a}\:{circular} \\ $$$${pond}\:{of}\:{radius}\:\mathrm{1}{m}.{Suppose}\:{the} \\ $$$${stone}\:{falls}\:{uniformly}\:{at}\:{random} \\ $$$${on}\:{the}\:{area}\:{of}\:{the}\:{pond}.{What} \\ $$$${will}\:{be}\:{the}\:{expected}\:{distance}\:{od} \\ $$$${the}\:{stone}\:{from}\:{the}\:{centre}\:{of}\:{the} \\ $$$${pond}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$\left.{a}\left.\right)\left.\mathrm{1}\left./\mathrm{3}\:{b}\right)\mathrm{1}/\mathrm{2}\:{c}\right)\mathrm{2}/\mathrm{3}\:{d}\right)\mathrm{1}/\sqrt{\mathrm{2}} \\ $$

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