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Question Number 175800 by cortano1 last updated on 07/Sep/22
 Find prime numbers of    3 digits such that equal to   sum of 3 diffrent numbers of    prime
$$\:\mathrm{Find}\:\mathrm{prime}\:\mathrm{numbers}\:\mathrm{of} \\ $$$$\:\:\mathrm{3}\:\mathrm{digits}\:\mathrm{such}\:\mathrm{that}\:\mathrm{equal}\:\mathrm{to} \\ $$$$\:\mathrm{sum}\:\mathrm{of}\:\mathrm{3}\:\mathrm{diffrent}\:\mathrm{numbers}\:\mathrm{of} \\ $$$$\:\:\mathrm{prime} \\ $$
Answered by BaliramKumar last updated on 07/Sep/22
3 + 47 + 53 = 103
$$\mathrm{3}\:+\:\mathrm{47}\:+\:\mathrm{53}\:=\:\mathrm{103} \\ $$

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