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Question Number 198395 by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 19/Oct/23
Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Oct/23
what is the question?
$${what}\:{is}\:{the}\:{question}? \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23
axial load is given as P=3000 lb.
$${axial}\:{load}\:{is}\:{given}\:{as}\:{P}=\mathrm{3000}\:{lb}. \\ $$
Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 23/Oct/23
We have to find axial load in this
$${We}\:{have}\:{to}\:{find}\:{axial}\:{load}\:{in}\:{this}\: \\ $$
Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 23/Oct/23
Sorry my mistake   We heve to determine the maximum   tensile compressive and shear stresses
$${Sorry}\:{my}\:{mistake}\: \\ $$$${We}\:{heve}\:{to}\:{determine}\:{the}\:{maximum}\: \\ $$$${tensile}\:{compressive}\:{and}\:{shear}\:{stresses} \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Oct/23
tension stress is given (P/A).  shear stress is zero, because there  is only axial load.
$${tension}\:{stress}\:{is}\:{given}\:\frac{{P}}{{A}}. \\ $$$${shear}\:{stress}\:{is}\:{zero},\:{because}\:{there} \\ $$$${is}\:{only}\:{axial}\:{load}. \\ $$
Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 23/Oct/23
Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 23/Oct/23
This was the  actual question sir   the ans i was getting wrong that was   a typo in the book
$${This}\:{was}\:{the}\:\:{actual}\:{question}\:{sir}\: \\ $$$${the}\:{ans}\:{i}\:{was}\:{getting}\:{wrong}\:{that}\:{was}\: \\ $$$${a}\:{typo}\:{in}\:{the}\:{book} \\ $$
Commented by BHOOPENDRA last updated on 23/Oct/23
And thankyou for response sir
$${And}\:{thankyou}\:{for}\:{response}\:{sir}\: \\ $$

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