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Question Number 207951 by MWSuSon last updated on 31/May/24
Anybody with knowledge or books on  mathemtical modeling?
$$\mathrm{Anybody}\:\mathrm{with}\:\mathrm{knowledge}\:\mathrm{or}\:\mathrm{books}\:\mathrm{on} \\ $$$$\mathrm{mathemtical}\:\mathrm{modeling}? \\ $$
Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 01/Jun/24
Modeling of what? shapes? physical phenomenon? dynamical system? statistical modeling? it is hard to find math that doesn't show up in any sort of modeling, so I think you'll get better results by being slightly more precise...
Commented by MWSuSon last updated on 01/Jun/24
I want to learn more on mathematical modeling on transportation and network. I'm in my final year in school and working on a project that revolves around it.
Commented by TheHoneyCat last updated on 01/Jun/24
Then, you should look for a book on "graph theory".

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