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Question Number 138075 by Caroline last updated on 09/Apr/21
  Use the inner product    ⟨f,g⟩=∫10f(x)g(x)dx    in the vector space C0[0,1] of continuous functions on the domain [0,1] to find the orthogonal projection of f(x)=3x2−2 onto the subspace V spanned by g(x)=x and h(x)=1. (Caution: x and 1 do not form an orthogonal basis of V.)    projV(f)=  .
$$ \\ $$Use the inner product


in the vector space C0[0,1] of continuous functions on the domain [0,1] to find the orthogonal projection of f(x)=3×2−2 onto the subspace V spanned by g(x)=x and h(x)=1. (Caution: x and 1 do not form an orthogonal basis of V.)

projV(f)=  .

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