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Question Number 217448 by ArshadS last updated on 14/Mar/25
Solve for x:  (1+(√2) )^x +(1−(√2) )^x =14
Commented by Frix last updated on 14/Mar/25
a_n =(1+(√2))^n +(1−(√2))^n ; n∈N  can be written as  a_1 =2  a_2 =2  a_n =a_(n−2) +2a_(n−1) ∀n≥3  ⇒  a_3 =6  a_4 =14  a_5 =34  ...
Commented by Hanuda354 last updated on 15/Mar/25
a_1  = 2  a_2  = 6  a_3  = 14 = 2 +2∙6  a_4  = 34 = 6 + 2∙14  a_5  = 82 = 14 + 2∙34   ⋮  a_n  = a_(n−2)  + 2a_(n−1)   for  ∀n ≥ 3    (1+(√2))^3  + (1−(√2))^3  = 14
Answered by MrGaster last updated on 14/Mar/25
(1):Let a=1+(√2)∧b=1−(√2),b=−(1/a)  a^x +b^x =14   for x=3:  a^3 +b^3 =(1+(√2))^3 +(1−(√2))^3   (1+(√2))^3 =7+5(√2)  ((1−(√2))^3 =7−5(√2)  (7+5(√2))+(7+5(√2))=14  ∴x=3  f(x)=(1+(√2))^x +(1−(√2))^x   ∵∣1−(√2)∣<1,The term (1−(√2) )^x decaysi  exponentally.,(1+(√2))^x Exponential growth,f(x)for x>0Is strictly incrementaln  ensurig a unique solution.  (2):(1+(√2))^x +(1−(√2))^x =((√2))^x (((1/( (√2)))+(1/( (√2))))^x +((1/( (√2)))−(1/( (√2))))^x )  =((√2))^x (((2/( (√2))))^x +0^x )=((√2))(((√2))^x )=2^x   ⇒2^x =14  ⇒x=log_2 14  x=((ln 14)/(ln 12))  x=((ln(2×7))/(ln 2))=((ln 2+ln 7)/(ln 2))=1+((ln 7)/(ln 2))  x=1+log_2 7  x=3(since log_2 7≈2.807)
Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 14/Mar/25
(1+(√2) )^x +(1−(√2) )^x =14  Assuming x∈Z  ((√2) +1)^x _(y) +(−1)^x ((√2) −1)^x =14  y>0  (1/y)=(1/(((√2) +1)^x ))=(((((√2) −1)^x )/(((√2) +1)((√2) −1))))^2        =((√2) −1)^x   y+(−1)^x ((1/y))=14  •If x∈O       y−(1/y)=14        y^2 −14y−1=0       y=((14±(√(196+4)))/2)=7±5(√2)   ∵ y>0   ∴ y=7+5(√2)      ((√2) +1)^x =7+5(√2)   xlog((√2) +1)=log(7+5(√2))         x=((log(7+5(√2)))/(log((√2) +1)))=log_(((√2) +1))  (7+5(√2))       x=3  •If x∈E       y+(1/y)=14      y^2 −14y+1=0  y=((14±(√(196−4)) )/2)=((14±8(√3))/2)=7±4(√3)   ((√2) +1)^x =7±4(√3)   xlog((√2) +1)= log(7±4(√3) )  x=(( log(7±4(√3) ))/(log((√2) +1)))=log_(((√2) +1)) (7±4(√3) )∉Z
Answered by profcedricjunior last updated on 14/Mar/25
(1+(√2))^x +(1−(√2))^x =14  =>(1+(√2))^(2x) +1−14(1+(√2))^x =0 ^(1+(√2)=t)   =>t^2 −14t+1=0=>(t−7)^2 −48=0  =>(t−7−4(√3))(t−7+4(√3))=0  =>t=7−4(√3)ou t=7+4(√3)  => { (((1+(√2))^x =7−4(√3))),(((1+(√2))^x =7+4(√3))) :}=> { (((1+(√2))^x =(2−(√3))^2 )),(((1+(√2))^x =(2+(√3))^2 )) :}  => { ((x=((2ln(2−(√3)))/(ln(1+(√2))))=2log_((1+(√2))) (2+(√3)))),((x=((2ln(2+(√3)))/(ln(1+(√2))))=2log_((1+(√2))) (2+(√3)))) :}  S_R ={2log_((1+(√2))) (2−(√3)),2log_((1+(√2))) (2+(√3))}

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