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Question Number 217565 by mr W last updated on 16/Mar/25
Commented by mr W last updated on 16/Mar/25
the strings are massless and there  is no friction between strings and  pulleys.  find the accelerations of all objects.
Answered by ajfour last updated on 16/Mar/25
Acc. of 5kg block be A.  relative to 4kg pulley let acc. of 3kg be a_1 ↓  and that acc. of 4kg block itself be a↓ relative  to 5kg block.  3g−T_1 =3(A+a+a_1 )    ...(i)  T_1 −2g=2(A+a−a_1 )  ...(ii)  T_2 −g=A+a      ....(iii)  2T_2 −T_1 =4(a−A)    ...(iv)  200−2T_1 =5A     ...(v)  ..................  4(A+a+g)−2T_1 =8(a−A)  200−2T_1 =5A  ⇒  200−4(A+a+g)=13A−8a  ..(1)  addingr (i)&(ii)  g=5A+5a+a_1    ....(2)  uding (ii) in (v)  200−4g−4(A+a−a_1 )=5A  ⇒ 200−4g=9A+4a−4a_1   now using (2)  200−4g=9A+4a−4(g−5A−5a)  ⇒ 200=29A+24a  from (1)  {200−4g=17A−4a}×6  1200−24g=102A−24a  200=29A+24a  adding above two  1400−24g=131A  A=((1400−24g)/(131))  rest can be found now.
Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Mar/25
thanks sir!  you got A=((1160)/(131))≈8.85 m/s^2   i got acc. of  5kg pulley   A_1 =((5590)/(421))≈13.28 m/s^2
Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/Mar/25
I ll check sir. Thanks for solving the  projectile one too.
Answered by mr W last updated on 17/Mar/25
Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Mar/25
δ_1  relative acc. of string to pulley 1  δ_2  relative acc. of string to pulley 2  a_1 =A_1 +δ_1   A_2 =A_1 −δ_1   a_2 =A_2 +δ_2 =A_1 −δ_1 +δ_2   a_3 =A_2 −δ_2 =A_1 −δ_1 −δ_2     F_2 =m_2 (g+a_2 )=m_2 (g+A_1 −δ_1 +δ_2 )  F_2 =m_3 (g+a_3 )=m_3 (g+A_1 −δ_1 −δ_2 )  F_1 =m_1 (g+a_1 )=m_1 (g+A_1 +δ_1 )  F_1 −2F_2 =M_2 (g+A_2 )=M_2 (g+A_1 −δ_1 )  F−2F_1 =M_1 (g+A_1 )    F−2m_1 (g+A_1 +δ_1 )=M_1 (g+A_1 )  (M_1 +2m_1 )A_1 +2m_1 δ_1 =F−(M_1 +2m_1 )g  7A_1 +2δ_1 =130   ...(i)    m_1 (g+A_1 +δ_1 )−2m_2 (g+A_1 −δ_1 +δ_2 )=M_2 (g+A_1 −δ_1 )  (m_1 −2m_2 −M_2 )A_1 +(M_2 +m_1 +2m_2 )δ_1 −2m_2 δ_2 =(M_2 −m_1 +2m_2 )g  −7A_1 +9δ_1 −4δ_2 =70   ...(ii)    m_2 (g+A_1 −δ_1 +δ_2 )=m_3 (g+A_1 −δ_1 −δ_2 )  (m_2 −m_3 )A_1 +(−m_2 +m_3 )δ_1 +(m_2 +m_3 )δ_2 =(m_3 −m_2 )g  −A_1 +δ_1 +5δ_2 =10   ...(iii)    δ_1 =((7800)/(421))  δ_2 =((400)/(421))  A_1 =((7800)/(421))+5×((400)/(421))−10=((5590)/(421))    A_2 =((5590)/(421))−((7800)/(421))=−((2210)/(421))  a_1 =((5590)/(421))+((7800)/(421))=((13390)/(421))  a_2 =−((2210)/(421))+((400)/(421))=−((1810)/(421))  a_3 =−((2210)/(421))−((400)/(421))=−((2610)/(421))
Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 18/Mar/25
Sir, you assumed the cylinder are rotating here.  But Ajfour did not assume the cylinder is rotating.
Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Mar/25
The pulleys don′t rotate and i also  didn′t assume that they rotate.
Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 18/Mar/25
Thanks sir.
Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Mar/25
if there is no friction between string  and pulley, the string can also   move relatively to the pulley without  that the pulley rotates.  in the workings above δ_1  and δ_2  are  the relative motions of the strings  along the pulleys. there are not the  rotation of the pulleys!
Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Mar/25
Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 18/Mar/25
Ohh, thanks sir.  I appreciate your time.

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