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Question Number 76725 by Rio Michael last updated on 29/Dec/19
To prove that x^2 >y^2 , it is sufficient to   prove that   A. x > y  B. x^3 >y^3   C. ∣x∣ > ∣y∣  D. x > 3y
$$\mathrm{To}\:\mathrm{prove}\:\mathrm{that}\:\mathrm{x}^{\mathrm{2}} >\mathrm{y}^{\mathrm{2}} ,\:\mathrm{it}\:\mathrm{is}\:\mathrm{sufficient}\:\mathrm{to}\: \\ $$$$\mathrm{prove}\:\mathrm{that}\: \\ $$$$\mathrm{A}.\:\mathrm{x}\:>\:\mathrm{y} \\ $$$$\mathrm{B}.\:\mathrm{x}^{\mathrm{3}} >\mathrm{y}^{\mathrm{3}} \\ $$$$\mathrm{C}.\:\mid\mathrm{x}\mid\:>\:\mid\mathrm{y}\mid \\ $$$$\mathrm{D}.\:\mathrm{x}\:>\:\mathrm{3y} \\ $$
Commented by MJS last updated on 30/Dec/19
$${C}. \\ $$

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