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Question Number 144226 by bramlexs22 last updated on 23/Jun/21
Commented by bramlexs22 last updated on 23/Jun/21
Find radius of yellow circle
$$\mathrm{Find}\:\mathrm{radius}\:\mathrm{of}\:\mathrm{yellow}\:\mathrm{circle} \\ $$
Answered by bemath last updated on 23/Jun/21
Commented by lyubita last updated on 23/Jun/21
bramlexs22 & bemath are the same guys...
$${bramlexs}\mathrm{22}\:\&\:{bemath}\:{are}\:{the}\:{same}\:{guys}… \\ $$
Commented by SLVR last updated on 24/Jun/21
Dear sir can you explain Descartes   theorem
$${Dear}\:{sir}\:{can}\:{you}\:{explain}\:{Descartes}\: \\ $$$${theorem} \\ $$
Commented by gsk2684 last updated on 12/Jul/21

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