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Question Number 10050 by ridwan balatif last updated on 22/Jan/17

h ow do we know 2017 and another number  is a prime number?


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 22/Jan/17

2017 is a prime number.   Since it has only two factors  1 and 2017.


Commented by ridwan balatif last updated on 22/Jan/17

i mean, example 3571 is prime number or not?  if prime number, how can we know 3571 has 2 factor 1 and 3571?  if not a prime number, how can we know that?


Commented by mrW1 last updated on 22/Jan/17

there is no general way or even a  formula to check if a number is a  prime number. in internet you may  find tools which can help you to check  if a number is prime or which factors  it has.  i personally use a free app called ′Big   Integer Calculator′ for this purpose.


Commented by mrW1 last updated on 22/Jan/17

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