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Question Number 103422 by aurpeyz last updated on 15/Jul/20

Commented by Worm_Tail last updated on 15/Jul/20

distance moved by car=60t  distance moved by A=40t  distance moved by B=40t  total distance moved by car andB=50=100t  ⇒t=(1/2)  d_(car) =60×0.5=30km     d_A =40×0.5=20km  dcar−d_A =10km

$${distance}\:{moved}\:{by}\:{car}=\mathrm{60}{t} \\ $$$${distance}\:{moved}\:{by}\:{A}=\mathrm{40}{t} \\ $$$${distance}\:{moved}\:{by}\:{B}=\mathrm{40}{t} \\ $$$${total}\:{distance}\:{moved}\:{by}\:{car}\:{andB}=\mathrm{50}=\mathrm{100}{t} \\ $$$$\Rightarrow{t}=\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{2}} \\ $$$${d}_{{car}} =\mathrm{60}×\mathrm{0}.\mathrm{5}=\mathrm{30}{km}\:\:\:\:\:{d}_{{A}} =\mathrm{40}×\mathrm{0}.\mathrm{5}=\mathrm{20}{km} \\ $$$${dcar}−{d}_{{A}} =\mathrm{10}{km} \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$ \\ $$

Commented by aurpeyz last updated on 15/Jul/20

thanks sir

$$\mathrm{thanks}\:\mathrm{sir} \\ $$

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