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Question Number 106356 by bobhans last updated on 04/Aug/20

find the solution set of equation   ∣x^2 −5x+4∣ = x^2 −5∣x∣ + 4


Commented by bobhans last updated on 05/Aug/20

thanm you both


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 05/Aug/20

Set f(x)=x^2 −5x+4=(x−1)(x−4)  i)If 1≤x≤4 then f(x)≤0 and ∣x∣=x⇒  ∣x^2 −5x+4∣ = x^2 −5∣x∣ + 4 (1)  ⇔−(x^2 −5x+4)=x^2 −5x+4  ⇔x^2 −5x+4=0⇔(x−1)(x−4)=0  ⇔x∈{1;4}  ii)If x>4 then f(x)>0.  (1)⇔x^2 −5x+4= x^2 −5x + 4   ⇔0.x=0⇒x∈(4;+∞)  iii)If 0≤x<1 then f(x)>0,∣x∣=x  (1)⇔x^2 −5x+4 = x^2 −5x + 4   ⇔0.x=0⇒x∈[0;1)  iv)If −∞<x<0⇒f(x)>0,∣x∣=−x  (1)⇔x^2 −5x+4=x^2 +5x+4=0  ⇔10x=0⇔x=0⇒has no roots  Thus,solution set of the given equation  is S=[0,1]∪[4;+∞)


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 04/Aug/20

e⇒∣x^2 −5x+4∣−x^2 +5∣x∣−4 =0 =A(x)  x^2 −5x+4 =x^2 −4x−(x−4) =x(x−4)−(x−4)=(x−4)(x−1)  x                             −∞                              0                    1                            4            +∞  ∣x^2 −5x+4∣                    x^2 −5x+4       −x^2 +5x−4  −x^2 +5x−4    x^2 −5x+4  ∣x∣                                             −x             0          x                    x                   x  A(x)                                  −10x                 −2x^2 +10x−8   s.v              0  so A(x)= { ((−10x if x≤0)),((−2x^2  +10x−8  if 0≤x≤4)) :}  and A(x) =0 if x≥4  x≤0   ⇒−10x =0 ⇒x=0  0≤x≤4  ⇒−2x^2  +10x −8 =0 ⇒2x^2 −10x +8 =0 ⇒  x^2 −5x +4 =0 ⇒x =1 or x=4 ⇒  set of solution is S ={0,1} ∪[4,+∞[


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