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Question Number 106488 by Algoritm last updated on 05/Aug/20

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Aug/20

 Q106379  ((1.2^2 )/(10))+((2.3^2 )/(10))+.....=Σ_(n=1) ^∞ ((n(n+1)^2 )/(10^n ))


Answered by abdomsup last updated on 05/Aug/20

S=Σ_(n=1) ^∞  ((n(n+1)^2 )/(10^n ))  =Σ_(n=1) ^∞  ((n(n^2 +2n+1))/(10^n ))  =Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (n^3 /(10^n )) +2Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (n^2 /(10^n )) +Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (1/(10^n ))  we have for ∣x∣<1   Σ_(n=0) ^∞  x^n  =(1/(1−x)) ⇒Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (1/(10^n ))  =(1/(1−(1/(10)))) =((10)/9)  also Σ_(n=1) ^∞  nx^(n−1)  =(1/((1−x)^2 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^∞ nx^n  =(x/((1−x)^2 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^∞ n^2 x^(n−1 ) =(((x−1)^2 −2(x−1)x)/((x−1)^4 ))  =((x−1−2x)/((x−1)^3 )) =((−x−1)/((x−1)^3 )) =((1+x)/((1−x)^3 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^∞  n^2 x^n  =((x+x^2 )/((1−x)^3 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (n^2 /(10^n )) =(((1/(10))+((1/(10)))^2 )/((1−(1/(10)))^3 )) =...  Σ_(n=1) ^∞ n^3 x^(n−1)  =(((2x+1)(1−x)^3 +3(1−x)^2 (x^2 +x))/((1−x)^6 ))  =(((2x+1)(1−x)+3x^2  +3x)/((1−x)^4 ))  =((2x+1−2x^2 −x+3x^2  +3x)/((1−x)^4 ))  =((x^2 +4x+1)/((1−x)^4 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^∞  n^3  x^n  =((x^3  +4x^2  +x)/((1−x)^4 )) ⇒  Σ_(n=1) ^(∞ )  (n^3 /(10^n )) =(((1/(10^3 ))+(4/(10^2 ))+(1/(10)))/((1−(1/(10)))^4 ))=...


Answered by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Aug/20

Σ^∞ ((n(n+1)^2 )/(10^n ))  Σ^∞ (n^3 /(10^n ))+Σ^∞ ((2n^2 )/(10^n ))+Σ^∞ (n/(10^n ))  Σ^∞ (n/(10^n ))=(1/(10))+(2/(10^2 ))+...=S  (S/(10))=(1/(10^2 ))+(2/(10^3 ))+....  ((9S)/(10))=(1/(10))+(1/(10^2 ))+(1/(10^3 ))+...  ((9S)/(10))=((1/(10))/(1−(1/(10))))=(1/9)  S=((10)/(81))  2Σ^∞ (n^2 /(10^n ))=(1/(10))+(4/(10^2 ))+(9/(10^2 ))+....=S′  ((S′)/(10))=(1/(10^2 ))+(4/(10^3 ))+(9/(10^4 ))+...  ((9S′)/(10))=(1/(10))+(3/(10^2 ))+(5/(10^3 ))+...  ((9S^′ )/(100))=         (1/(10^2 ))+(3/(10^3 ))+...  ......subtracting  ((9S′)/(10))(1−(1/(10)))=(1/(10))+2((1/(10^2 ))+.....)  ((81S′)/(100))=(2/9)−(1/(10))  S′=((10)/9).((11)/(81))=((110)/(729))  Σ^∞ ((n^3 /(10^n )))=(1/(10))+(8/(10^2 ))+((27)/(10^3 ))+...=S_n   S_n +2S′+S=Σ^∞ (n^3 /(10^n ))+((220)/(729))+((10)/(81))=((1400)/(2187))


Answered by JDamian last updated on 06/Aug/20

S = Σ_(k=1) ^(∞) ((k(k+1)^2 )/(10^k ))  f ≡ f(x) = 1+x^2 +x^3 + ∙∙∙ = (1/(1−x))    ∀∣x∣<1  D ≡ (d/dx)  Df = 1+2x+3x^2 + ∙∙∙ = (1/((1−x)^2 ))   ∀∣x∣<1  x^2 Df = 1∙x^2 +2x^3 + ∙∙∙ = (x^2 /((1−x)^2 ))   ∀∣x∣<1  D(x^2 Df) = 1∙2x+2∙3x^2 +3∙4x^3 + ∙∙∙ =                        = 2(x/((1−x)^3 ))      ∀∣x∣<1  xD(x^2 Df) = 1∙2x^2 +2∙3x^3 +3∙4x^4 + ∙∙∙ =                           = 2(x^2 /((1−x)^3 ))      ∀∣x∣<1  g≡D(xD(x^2 Df)) = 1∙2^2 x+2∙3^2 x^2 +                                           +3∙4^2 x^3 +4∙5^2 x^4 + ∙∙∙ =                                          = 2(((2+x)x)/((1−x)^4 ))        ∀∣x∣<1    g((1/(10)))=2(((2+(1/(10)))(1/(10)))/(((9/(10)))^4 ))=2(((21)/(100))/(((9/(10)))^4 ))=((4200)/9^4 )=((4200)/(6561))


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