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Question Number 106745 by qwertyu last updated on 06/Aug/20

Commented by Her_Majesty last updated on 06/Aug/20

always the same questions...  how do you define “x!”?


Commented by qwertyu last updated on 06/Aug/20

∫_0 ^(  1)  x! = ?


Commented by Her_Majesty last updated on 06/Aug/20

again, how do you define x!  x!=1×2×3×...×(x−1)×x for x≥1 with  0!:=1  then no integral exists


Commented by floor(10²Eta[1]) last updated on 06/Aug/20

you should search more before assuming  things like that!


Commented by floor(10²Eta[1]) last updated on 06/Aug/20

the gamma function it′s an extension  of the factorial function and is defined  for all complex numbers except the   non-positive integers.  Γ(z)=(z−1)!=∫_0 ^∞ x^(z−1) e^(−x) dx


Commented by Her_Majesty last updated on 06/Aug/20

I know these things, don′t have to search  But I often wonder if the posters of these  questions know what they are posting    as you wrote Γ(x+1) is the extension of x!  but nonetheless ∫x!dx doesn′t exist; only  the extension ∫Γ(x+1)dx exists    you guys don′t do proper maths sometimes  it seems


Commented by Sarah85 last updated on 07/Aug/20

it′s another pandemic it seems...


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 07/Aug/20

Since the function x! isn′t a continue  function ,it is interrupt everywhere  ,so don′t exist defined integral ∫_a ^b x!dx


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 06/Aug/20

∫_0 ^1  x! dx =∫_0 ^1 Γ(x+1)dx =_(x+1 =t)    ∫_1 ^2  Γ(t)dt   =∫_1 ^2 lim_(n→+∞)  ((n! n^t )/(t(t+1)(t+2)....(t+n))) dt  if we have the convergencedominee  we can do  I =lim_(n→+∞) n! ∫_1 ^2  (n^t /(t(t+1)(t+2)...(t+n)))dt  after we decompose  F(t) =(n^t /(t(t+1)(t+2)....(t+n))) =Σ_(k=0) ^n  (a_k /(t+k))   be continued...


Answered by Sarah85 last updated on 07/Aug/20

∫_0 ^1 Γ(x+1)dx≈.922 745 950 259


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