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Question Number 106816 by bemath last updated on 07/Aug/20

prove by mathematical induction  (1) n^2  ≤ 2^n  ; n ≥ 4  (2) (n+1)^2  < 2n^2  ; n ≥ 3  (3) 2^n −3 ≥ 2^(n−2)  ; n ≥ 5        @bemath@

provebymathematicalinduction (1)n22n;n4 (2)(n+1)2<2n2;n3 (3)2n32n2;n5 @bemath@

Commented bybobhans last updated on 07/Aug/20

(2)n^2 +2n+1< 2n^2  ; 2n+1 < n^2  ; n≥3  P_1 (n=3)⇒2.3+1<3^2   [ true ]  let :P_k (n=k,k≥3)⇒2k+1 < k^2    [true]  P_(k+1) (n=k+1)⇒LHS : 2(k+1)+1 = 2k+3  = (2k+1)+2 < k^2 +2 =k^2 −2k+1+(1+2k)  =(k+1)^2 +2k+1 =

(2)n2+2n+1<2n2;2n+1<n2;n3 P1(n=3)2.3+1<32[true] let:Pk(n=k,k3)2k+1<k2[true] Pk+1(n=k+1)LHS:2(k+1)+1=2k+3 =(2k+1)+2<k2+2=k22k+1+(1+2k) =(k+1)2+2k+1=

Answered by bobhans last updated on 07/Aug/20

(3) 2^n −3≥(2^n /4) ⇒ 4.2^n −12≥2^n   3.2^n  ≥ 12 ⇒2^n  ≥ 4 ⇒n ≥ 2 .  wrong to condition n ≥ 5.

(3)2n32n44.2n122n 3.2n122n4n2. wrongtoconditionn5.

Answered by Rio Michael last updated on 07/Aug/20

 (1) claim:  n^2  ≤ 2^n  ; if n ≥ 4  prove for n = 4 ⇒  4^2  = 2^4  = 16  prove for n = 6 ⇒ 6^2 ≤ 2^6    Assume that  n = k satisfies the claim.  ∴ k^2  ≤ 2^k  : if k ≥ 4  proving for n = k+1  ⇒  (k+1)^2  ≤ 2^(k+1)   ⇒  k^2  + 2k + 1 ≤ 2(2^k )  but k^2  ≤ 2^k  ⇒ k^2  ≤ 2(2^k )  also  k^2  ≥ 2k ∀ k ∈ Z     thus k^2  + 2k + 1 ≤ 2(2^k ) if  k ≥ 3

(1)claim:n22n;ifn4 proveforn=442=24=16 proveforn=66226 Assumethatn=ksatisfiestheclaim. k22k:ifk4 provingforn=k+1 (k+1)22k+1 k2+2k+12(2k) butk22kk22(2k) alsok22kkZ thusk2+2k+12(2k)ifk3

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