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Question Number 106943 by hgrocks last updated on 08/Aug/20

Commented by hgrocks last updated on 08/Aug/20

Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 09/Aug/20

Set a=α,b=β,c=γ.From the   hypothesis we have: { ((a+b+c=5 (1))),((a^2 +b^2 +c^2 =19 (2))),((S=a^3 +b^3 +c^3 )) :}  We have :ab+bc+ca=  [(a+b+c)^2 −(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )]/2=3 (3)  S=a^3 +b^3 +c^3 =(a+b)^3 −3ab(a+b)  +[5−(a+b)]^3  (4)  From(1) and (3)we get ab+bc+ca=3  ⇔ab+(a+b)[5−(a+b)]=3  ⇒ab=(a+b)^2 −5(a+b)+3   Putting a+b=t  we have:  ab=t^2 −5t+3 (5).Therefore,from(4)  we get S=t^3 −3t(t^2 −5t+3)+(5−t)^3   =t^3 −3t(t^2 −5t+3)+125−75t+15t^2 −t^3   =−3t^3 +30t^2 −84t+125  =3(5−t)[t^2 −5t+3)+80  =3(5−t)[(5−t)^2 −5(5−t)+3]+80  =3c(c^2 −5c+3)+80=3(c^3 −5c^2 +3c)+80(∗)  Since three numbers are equal in role  WLOG we can suppose that c≥0.Also,  From (5)we have ab=(5−c)^2 −5(5−c)+3  =c^2 −5c+3 ⇒(a−b)^2 =(a+b)^2 −4ab  =(5−c)^2 −4(c^2 −5c+3)=−3c^2 +10c+13≥0  ⇔−3(c−(5/3))^2 +((64)/3)≥0⇔(3c−5)^2 ≤64  ⇔∣3c−5∣≤8⇒3c−13≤0⇒0≤c≤((13)/3) (6)  Set f(c)=c^3 −5c^2 +3c with c∈[0,((13)/3)]we have  f ′(c)=3c^2 −10c+3 =0⇔c∈{(1/3);3}  Then we have the  variable table as:   determinant ((x,0,,(1/3),,3,((13)/3)),((f ′(c)),3,(+↗),0,(−↘),↗,),((f(c)),0,,((13)/(27)),,(−9),((13)/(27))))  From tablet we see that f(c)_(max) =((13)/(27))  when c=(1/3)or c=((13)/(27))  Therefore,from (∗)we get S≤80+3.((13)/(27))=80((13)/9)  Thus,S_(max) =80 ((13)/9)  i)when c=(1/3),a+b=((14)/3)  Combining to (5) we get ab=((13)/9)  ⇒(a−b)^2 =(a+b)^2 −4ab=((196)/9)−4×((13)/9)=((144)/9)  ⇒a−b=((12  )/3)  (suppose a≥b)  ⇒a=((13)/3),b=c=(1/3)  ii)When c=((13)/3)⇒a+b=(2/3)⇒a=b=(1/3)  ⇒S_(max) =80 if and only if  (a,b,c)=(((13)/3),(1/3),(1/3))and all  permutations of them  Other way:   S=3(c^3 −5c^2 +3c)+80(∗)  =(1/9)(27c^3 −135c^2 +81c)+80  =(1/9){[(3c−1)^2 (3c−13)]+13}+80  =(1/9)[(3c−1)^2 (3c−13)]+80((13)/9)   From the condition (6) we infer   S=(1/9)[(3c−1)^2 (3c−13)]+80((13)/9) ≤80((13)/9)  since (3c−1)^2 (3c−13)≤0 due to 3c≤13


Answered by mr W last updated on 08/Aug/20

let p_n =α^n +β^n +γ^n   p_1 =e_1 =5  p_2 =19=e_1 p_1 −2e_2  ⇒e_2 =((p_1 ^2 −p_2 )/2)  p_3 =e_1 p_2 −e_2 p_1 +3e_3   =p_1 p_2 −(((p_1 ^2 −p_2 )p_1 )/2)+3e_3   ⇒p_3 =((p_1 (3p_2 −p_1 ^2 ))/2)+3e_3 =80+3e_3   with e_3 =αβγ    γ=5−α−β  e_(3,max/min)  happens at α=β  2α^2 +(5−2α)^2 =19  3α^2 −10α+3=0  ⇒α=((5±4)/3)=3,(1/3) ⇒γ=−1,((13)/3)  e_(3,min) =3^2 ×(−1)=−9  e_(3,max) =((1/3))^2 ×(((13)/3))=((13)/(27))  ⇒p_(3,min) =80−27=53  ⇒p_(3,max) =80+((13)/9)=((733)/9)


Answered by mr W last updated on 08/Aug/20

Method 2  γ=5−α−β  α^2 +β^2 +(5−α−β)^2 −19=0  S=α^3 +β^3 +(5−α−β)^2   S_(max)  is at α=β  ⇒2α^2 +(5−2α)^2 −19=0  ⇒α=β=3, (1/3)  ⇒γ=−1, ((13)/3)  ⇒S_(min) =2×3^3 +(−1)^3 =53  ⇒S_(max) =2×((1/3))^3 +(((13)/3))^3 =((733)/9)


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