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Question Number 108005 by Ar Brandon last updated on 13/Aug/20

1.  x′′(t)+x(t)=tcos(2t)+(1+t^2 )sin(2t)  2.  x′′(t)+x(t)=t^2 cos(2t)


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 13/Aug/20

2) y^(′′)  +y =t^2 cos(2t)  h→r^2  +1 =0 ⇒r =+^− i ⇒y =acost +bsint =au_1  +bu_2   W(u_1 ,u_2 ) = determinant (((cost          sint)),((−sint       cost)))=1 ≠0  W_1 = determinant (((o            sint)),((t^2 cos(2t)     cost)))=−t^2  cos(2t)sint  W_2 = determinant (((cost           0)),((−sint       t^2 cos(2t))))=t^2 cost .cos(2t)  v_1 =∫ (w_1 /W)dt =−∫ t^2  cos(2t)sint dt  we have  cos(2t)sint =cos(2t)cos((π/2)−t) =(1/2){cos(t+(π/2))+cos(3t−(π/2))}  =(1/2){sin(3t)−sint} ⇒v_1 =−(1/2)(∫ t^2 sin(3t)dt−∫ t^2 sint dt)  =(1/2)∫ t^2 sint dt −(1/2)∫t^2  sin(3t)dt  but  ∫ t^2  sint dt =−t^2  cost +∫ (2t) cost dt  =−t^2  cost +2{ tsint −∫ sint dt} =−t^2 cost +2t sint  +2cost  ∫ t^2 sin(3t)dt =_(3t =x)    ∫ (x^2 /9)sinx (dx/3) =(1/(27)) ∫x^2 sinx dx  =(1/(27)){−x^2 cosx +2x sinx +2cosx}  =(1/(27)){−(3t)^2 cos(3t)+6t sin(3t)+2cos(3t)} ⇒  v_1 =(1/2){−t^2 cost +2tsint +2cost} −(1/(54)){−9t^2 cos(3t)+6t sin(3t)+2cos(3t)}  v_2 =∫ (w_2 /W)dt =∫ t^2 cost cos(2t)dt  =(1/2)∫ t^2 {cos(3t)+cost} dt =(1/2)∫ t^2 cos(3t)dt +(1/2)∫ t^2 cost dt  ∫ t^2 cost dt =t^2 sint −∫ 2t sint dt  =t^2 sint −2{−tcost +∫ cost dt}  =t^2 sint +2tcost −2cost  ∫ t^2 cos(3t)dt =_(3t =u)    ∫ (u^2 /9)cos(u)(du/3) =(1/(27))∫ u^2 cosu du  =(1/(27)){u^2 sinu +2u cosu−2cosu}=(1/(27)){9t^2 sin(3t)+6t cos(3t)−2cos(3t)}   ⇒y_p =u_1 v_1  +u_2 v_2  and general solution is  y =y_h  +y_p


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 14/Aug/20


Commented by abdomathmax last updated on 14/Aug/20

you are welcome


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