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Question Number 108145 by bemath last updated on 15/Aug/20

   ((⊚BeMath⊚)/Π)   (1)   cos^2 ((x/4)) > ((√2)/2) + sin^2 ((x/4))    (2) ∫ (√((1+x)/(1−x))) dx  (3) ∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((√(tan x))/((cos x+sin x)^2 )) dx

BeMathΠ (1)cos2(x4)>22+sin2(x4) (2)1+x1xdx (3)π20tanx(cosx+sinx)2dx

Commented bybemath last updated on 15/Aug/20

dear admint tinkutara. i have used v.2.138. problem for which i can not edit answer

Commented byTinku Tara last updated on 15/Aug/20

Just tested. What error message  do u get?

Justtested.Whaterrormessage douget?

Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 15/Aug/20

1)cos^2 (x/4)>((√2)/2)+sin^2 (x/4)⇔cos^2 (x/4)−sin^2 (x/4)>((√2)/2)  ⇔cos(x/2)>((√2)/2)=cos(π/4)  ⇔2k𝛑−(𝛑/4)<x<(𝛑/4)+2k𝛑  2)Put x=cosθ⇒dx=−sinθdθ  I=−∫(√((1+cosθ)/(1−cosθ)))sinθ=−∫(√((2cos^2 (θ/2))/(2sin^2 (θ/2))))×((2tan(θ/2))/(1+tan^2 (θ/2)))dθ  =−∫cot(θ/2)×((2tan(θ/2))/(1+tan^2 (θ/2)))dθ=−2∫(dθ/(1+tan^2 (θ/2)))  =−2∫cos^2 (θ/2)dθ=−∫(1+cosθ)dθ  =−𝛉−sin𝛉=−sin^(−1) x−(√(1−x^2 )) +C  3)∫_0 ^(π/2) ((√(tanx))/((cosx+sinx)^2 ))dx=∫((√(tanx))/(1+2sin2x))dx  =∫_0 ^(π/2) ((√(tanx))/(1+((2tanx)/(1+tan^2 x))))dx.Put tanx=t  ⇒dt=(1+t^2 )dx,((√(tanx))/(1+((2tanx)/(1+tan^2 x))))=(((1+t^2 )(√t))/((1+t)^2 ))  ⇒I=∫_0 ^∞ (((1+t^2 )^2 (√t))/((1+t)^2 ))dt=∫_0 ^∞ (([(1+t)^2 −2t]^2 (√t))/((1+t)^2 ))  =∫_0 ^∞ [(1+t)^2 −4t+((4t^2 )/((1+t)^2 ))](√t) dt  =∫_0 ^∞ [(1−2t+t^2 )(√t) +((4t^2 (√t))/((1+t)^2 ))]dt  =((2/3)t^(3/2) −(4/5)t^(5/2) +(2/7)t^(7/2) )+∫_0 ^∞ ((4t^2 (√t))/((1+t)^2 ))dt  Put (√t)=u⇒du=(1/2(√t))dt⇒dt=2udu  A=∫_0 ^∞ ((4t^2 (√t))/((1+t)^2 ))dt=∫_0 ^∞ ((8u^6 )/((1+u^2 )^2 ))du.  u^6 =(1+u^2 )^3 −3u^2 (1+u^2 )−1=(1+u^2 )^3   −3(1+u^2 )^2 +3(1+u^2 )−1.Hence,  A=8∫_0 ^∞ [(1+u^2 )−3+(3/((1+u^2 )))−(1/((1+u^2 )^2 ))]du  =8((u^3 /3)−2u+3tan^(−1) (u))∣−∫_0 ^∞ (8/((1+u^2 )^2 ))du  Put u=tanθ⇒du=(1+u^2 )dθ  B=∫_0 ^(π/2) (8/(1+tan^2 θ))dθ=8∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^2 θdθ  =4∫_0 ^(π/2) (1+cos2θ)dθ=4θ+2sin2θ∣_0 ^(π/2) =π  The value of this integral isn′t defined

1)cos2x4>22+sin2x4cos2x4sin2x4>22 cosx2>22=cosπ4 2kππ4<x<π4+2kπ 2)Putx=cosθdx=sinθdθ I=1+cosθ1cosθsinθ=2cos2θ22sin2θ2×2tanθ21+tan2θ2dθ =cotθ2×2tanθ21+tan2θ2dθ=2dθ1+tan2θ2 =2cos2θ2dθ=(1+cosθ)dθ =θsinθ=sin1x1x2+C 3)0π2tanx(cosx+sinx)2dx=tanx1+2sin2xdx =0π2tanx1+2tanx1+tan2xdx.Puttanx=t dt=(1+t2)dx,tanx1+2tanx1+tan2x=(1+t2)t(1+t)2 I=0(1+t2)2t(1+t)2dt=0[(1+t)22t]2t(1+t)2 =0[(1+t)24t+4t2(1+t)2]tdt =0[(12t+t2)t+4t2t(1+t)2]dt =(23t3/245t5/2+27t7/2)+04t2t(1+t)2dt Putt=udu=(1/2t)dtdt=2udu A=04t2t(1+t)2dt=08u6(1+u2)2du. u6=(1+u2)33u2(1+u2)1=(1+u2)3 3(1+u2)2+3(1+u2)1.Hence, A=80[(1+u2)3+3(1+u2)1(1+u2)2]du =8(u332u+3tan1(u))08(1+u2)2du Putu=tanθdu=(1+u2)dθ B=0π281+tan2θdθ=80π2cos2θdθ =40π2(1+cos2θ)dθ=4θ+2sin2θ0π2=π Thevalueofthisintegralisntdefined

Commented bymathdave last updated on 15/Aug/20

answer for question 3 is (π/2)


Commented bybemath last updated on 15/Aug/20

thank you all sir


Answered by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 15/Aug/20

2)∫(√((1+x)/(1−x))) dx  ∫(1/( (√(1−x^2 ))))+(x/( (√(1−x^2 ))))dx  sin^(−1) x−(1/2)∫((−2x)/( (√(1−x^2 ))))dt  sin^(−1) x−(√(1−x^2 )) +C

2)1+x1xdx 11x2+x1x2dx sin1x122x1x2dt sin1x1x2+C

Answered by john santu last updated on 15/Aug/20

       ((⋇JS⋇)/♥)  I=∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((√(tan x))/(cos^2 x(1+tan x)^2 )) dx  I=∫_0 ^(π/2) (((√(tan x)) sec^2 x dx)/((1+tan x)^2 ))  [ tan x=b]  I=∫_0 ^∞ ((√b)/((1+b)^2 )) db [ set b=(q/(1−q)) ]  I=∫_0 ^1  q^(1/2) (1−q)^(−1/2)  dq   Recall betha function   ∫_0 ^1 x^(m−1) (1−x)^(n−1)  dx=B(m,n)  = ((Γ(m)Γ(n))/(Γ(m+n))) . hence we obtain   m=(3/2), n=(1/2).  I=(((1/2)Γ((1/2)).Γ((1/2)))/(1!))= (1/2)((√π))^2 =(π/2)

JS I=π20tanxcos2x(1+tanx)2dx I=π/20tanxsec2xdx(1+tanx)2[tanx=b] I=0b(1+b)2db[setb=q1q] I=10q1/2(1q)1/2dq Recallbethafunction 10xm1(1x)n1dx=B(m,n) =Γ(m)Γ(n)Γ(m+n).henceweobtain m=32,n=12. I=12Γ(12).Γ(12)1!=12(π)2=π2

Commented bymathdave last updated on 15/Aug/20

brilliant solution


Commented bymohammad17 last updated on 15/Aug/20

sir can you exactly how (m=(3/2),n=(1/2))


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